VASP = The Voluntary And Statutory Partnership: Working together for Mental Health
Thursday, 1st October 2020. 11:00 – 13:00 BST

To date, the VASP consists of 7 mental health provider networks across Suffolk and 1 strategic forum.
The aspiration is to develop and grow a Great Yarmouth VASP. To create a forum for organisations to network and share best practice, reduce duplication, and work together to improve the delivery of mental health services across the area.
VASP meetings aim to enable local organisations across the voluntary and statutory sectors to:Work in Partnership - Raise Awareness - Make Connections - Reduce Stigma - Improve Services - Identify Gaps - Link People - Give a voice to service users.
There is so much going on but we wonder if this information reaches as many people as it could? It is crucial to work together to ensure information about all services are known and shared so those in need get the help on offer.
This first meeting in Great Yarmouth will be held as a virtual 'round the table' discussion using ZOOM to discover what is going on and what members would like their VASP to look like moving forward - such as regular information e- bulletins.
Book your tickets here -