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On Track



On Track is a project to clear barriers to work for young people in Norfolk who have multiple and complex needs. The project helps to support young people aged 16-24 to get into education, training or employment.

Helping young people to get ON TRACK -

  • On Track is a new service to help young people get into work, education or training.

  • On Track is different because it is tailored to meet the needs of the individual young person.

  • A team of friendly coaches and mentors support the young person to get back On Track, giving the advice and help the individual needs to make the most of the things they are good at.

  • On Track is completely free.

Young people who participate in the project receive extensive tailor-made coaching, mentoring and guidance to help them to fulfil their career goals, as well as practical support to break down the barriers to achieving these goals, such as help with childcare, transport or equipment to start a college course or job.

On Track is a joint initiative, led by The Matthew Project, working in partnership in Norfolk, with GYROS, Nansa, The Prince’s Trust and YMCA Norfolk.

On Track is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund, and is one of four projects which are part of the Building Better Opportunities programme. On Track has received funding from the National Lottery through the Community Fund and the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.

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Registered Charity no: 1110281.  Great Yarmouth Refugee Outreach & Support Ltd.

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